Wednesday, November 24, 2004

"Artest's lack of PR skills may only be rivaled by his lack of A&R skills. New York-based Allure has struggled to find an audience for years."

Ron Artest has a problem. He has an album to promote and not enough time to promote it. No, it's not his album, but that of a washed up R&B group on his label, Tru Warier. Yes, the only thing worse than being on the downside of your career is putting your trust in Artest to revive it.

I love Ron as a player, but he's to the music industry what Michael Moore is to the treadmill industry, about as relevant as he should be. So when Allure's sales rank is at 3,546 in its first week, you should be worried...

Raptors just destroyed the Knicks tonight, 114-91. The only thing that remains to be determined: Matt Bonner's nickname. Chuck Swirsky is really pushing hard for the Red Rocket, personally I think Bonnfire is way more creative. No more localized nicknames, they sound horrible when the playergets traded.