Monday, February 21, 2005

I don't even know where to begin

The Simpsons had a gay wedding last night. Not really that big an issue, 2005 and all. At least you'd think so.

"L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Parents Television Council, criticized "The Simpsons" for addressing the issue of gay marriage, though he cautioned that he had not seen the episode. A parental advisory preceded the broadcast. "

(Article at Crossmap Christian News)

In case you've never heard of Bozell, his organization is pretty much the source of 98% or so of the complaints the FCC gets in regards to indecent programming. The group is very much affiliated with the hardcore Christian right, anti-gay, anti-abortion, etc., and tend to send 'letters' everytime somebody on TV shows a bit too much nipple...

In other quasi-related news, Famous Players cuts same-sex ads after threats.