Can you read between the lines
- Heiko Hoffman has a great piece on Pitchfork detailing the origins of the Detroit techno and Chicago house scenes, and how they came to play off each other to further the music as well as their respective fan bases. Great quotes from the likes of Juan Atkins and Kevin Saunderson to name a few. Amazing to think Fuse-In Detroit is only six months away.
- NYT had a good piece Monday outlining the increasing trend of classical jazz musicians incorporating interpretations of indie rock songs and artists as part of their repetoire. Here's hoping this is the 2006 version of the mashup, society could use more listening depth than anything 'My Humps' could ever provide. Unless it involves a Diplo edit of course. Jazz music does not lend itself well to those who seek constant repetition in music, even within a 4-5 song.
- FCC boss prods pay TV to do more on decency (Reuters via Yahoo.)
"We're not involved in this to bring about censorship," said Senate Commerce
Committee Chairman Sen. Ted Stevens an Alaska Republican. Still, "parents have a right to try to protect their children from some of the things that they can run into in the media."
Of course this is also the man pushing for drilling oil wells in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge, increased tanker traffic in environmentally sensitive areas, and also the guy threatening to leave Senate if his US $223 million bridge to nowhere is scrapped in favor more Katrina funding. Clearly at 82 years of age, Stevens still has his finger on the pulse of issues that remain relevent to today's society. BTW, let it be noted I realize Stevens isn't the chair of the FCC, for those playing along at home.